一條 貴彰
- 十三機兵防衛圏 (ヴァニラウェア- PS4) …の最初だけ。凄まじいこだわりのサイドビュー2Dアドベンチャーパートに引き込まれます。光の演出も非常に美しいです。じっくりプレイしたいですね。
- Sayonara Wild Hearts (Simogo - iOS)
- Death Stranding (Kojima Productions - PS4) 年末年始ドタバタしててデスストちょっとやったくらいであまりできてないです
- 十三機兵防衛圏のデモ版 (ヴァニラウェア - PS4) デモ版やりました!ヴァニラウェアすごいですよね 積みげーおわったらやる予定です
麓 旺二郎
- シュタインズゲート (5pb., Nitroplus-PC) 知り合いに名作と勧められたので今更ながらやってみてます。いわゆる美少女〜な感じのビジュアルノベルゲーをやるのが初めてなので正直キャラやセリフに抵抗ありますが話が面白そうです。
- テトリス99 (Arika-Switch)「いま私は間違いなくくつろいでいる」と実感する目的で遊びました。約25年前の『ミニテトリン』の時からやっていることはそんなに変わってないんだなぁと。
- リングフィットアドベンチャー(Nintendo-Switch)
- トロとパズル(Forward Works/Sony Computer Interactive-Android)
- Necrosphere (Cat Nigri - PC)2ボタン操作のメトロイドヴァニア
- ストライカー1945, ストライカー1945 Ⅱ , ストライカー1945 Ⅲ (彩京- AC) 王道的なシューティング
- R-Type (アイレム- AC)激ムズなシューティング、クリアできなーい
- Into The Breach(Subset Games-PC) 戦略シュミレーション
- Half-life (Valve-PC) FPSアドベンチャー?、まだ途中です
アン フェレロ
- Sky: Children of the Light (Thatgamecompany- iOS) とても古いスマホを手放して、新しい買ったらやっとラグなしで遊べます。
- Gnog (Ko-op — iOS) アートディレクションはカッコイイ。子供がこのゲーム遊んだらどうになるかな、ちょっと見てみたいです
- Song of Bloom (Philipp Stollenmayer - iOS) ユニークで、謎の多いのゲームデザインでグラフィックと音楽は素敵です。
- The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game (Grace Bruxner-Mac) ユーモアと雰囲気がめっちゃいい。一時間でできるゲームです
- Frog Detective 2: The case of the Invisible Wizard (Grace Bruxner-Mac) 続編ですが、また可愛く変わっている
Hello, it’s Anne, asobu’s community manager.
Happy New Year !
We hope you had nice holidays and nice things coming on for 2020.
(Excuse my french, i mean my poor english in this article)
Ichijo Takaaki:
- 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (Vanillaware-PS4) …I just started. The 2D side-scrolling adventure part is so gorgeous. The lightning in particular is incredible. I want to have the time to play it more in depth.
- Sayonara Wild Hearts (Simogo-iOS)
Mika Maruyama
- Death Stranding (Kojima Production-PS4) I was super busy and just had the time to play a bit
- 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (Vanillaware-PS4) Did the demo. Vanillaware is awesome! I’ll go on this one once i finished my pile of game.
Ojiro Fumoto (Moppin)
- Steins Gate (5pb., Nitroplus-PC) A friend who thinks it’s a masterpiece warmly recommended it to me. It’s the first time I’m playing a “visual novel with cute girls” type of game with those kinds of characters and dialogues stereotypes I’m quite not fond of, but the story is interesting.
- Necrosphere (Cat Nigri-PC) A Metroidvania that plays with 2 buttons
- Striker 1945, Striker 1945 II, Striker 1945 III (Psikyo-Arcade) A classic shooting game
- R-Type (Irem-Arcade) A super-hard shooting game, I caaaaan’t clear it!
- Into The Breach (Subset Games-PC) Strategy/Simulation
- Half-life (Valve-PC) Could I call this an Adventure FPS ? I haven’t finished it yet
I was really impressed by Half-life:
- The game rules are not explained in an obvious manner, the way they made the player figure them by himself is fantastic.
- Not only the game rules, there’s nor explanations about the story or cut scenes, but there’s many tricks to help the player discover the lore.
- In conclusion, it contains tons of things that can only be expressed through game as a medium
Giichi Totsuka
- Tetris 99 (Arika-Switch) When i played i thought “I’m home, without a doubt”. Like it didn’t changed that much since I was playing the LCD-version of the game 25 years ago.
Makoto Goto
- Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo-Switch)
- Toro to Puzzle (Forward Works/Sony Computer Interactive-Android)
Anne Ferrero
- Sky: Children of the Light (That game company-iOS) I replaced my very old phone and can finally play the game without lags
- Gnog (Ko-op-iOS) The artistic direction is great. I would be curious to watch children play with it
- Song of Bloom (Philipp Stollenmayer-iOS) The player has to find the rules and everything himself. Like many people, I thought the splash screen was bugged by repeating itself. The graphics and music are beautiful
- The Haunted Island: A Frog Detective Game (Grace Bruxner-Mac) The quirky atmosphere and humor are awesome
- Frog Detective 2: The case of the Invisible Wizard (Grace Bruxner-Mac)