インディーコレクションJAPAN #10: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #10: Lineup announcement
(English follows after Japanese)
asobuとTokyo Indiesがこのイベントを開催するのは10回目です!今まで参加した方、ご覧になった方にありがとうございます!これからもよろしくお願いします!
今回もいつも通り、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けする完全オンラインでお届いたあします。これまでのTokyo Indiesのオフラインのイベントに参加したくてもできなかった方…今回こそはぜひご参加ください!
Twitch配信: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット: https://discord.gg/asobu
インディーコレクション JAPAN #10 概要:
2021#年2月16日(火)20:00 プレゼンテーションスタート
▼Discord テキストチャット
また、Twitchの公式放送の前後はDiscordのチャットにいつでもアクセスすることができます。通常のTokyo Indies同様、ボイス/ビデオチャンネルをゲームの共有、『野良デモ』、情報交換などに自由にお使いください。
1. asobuのアン (@asobudev) — Global Game Jam at asobu 2021: asobu 会場
今年オンラインで開催された2021年1月の「Global Game Jam at asobu」で開発されたゲームについてのショートプレゼンテーション。https://globalgamejam.org/2021/jam-sites/asobu
2.David Herediaさん(@1564Studio) — 『The Mysteries of Ranko Togawa』
スペインから参加するDavidさんは、Hitogoroshi Studio初のゲーム『The Mysteries of Ranko Togawa』 (『戸川蘭子の謎』) を紹介します。本作は、学生の戸川蘭子が潜水艦の列車内で起きた殺人事件を解決していくというピクセルアートのビジュアルノベルで、古典的な推理アドベンチャーや密室小説のスタイルを踏襲しています。
3. けんこうランドさん (@kenkou_land) — 『世界滅亡共有幻想マミヤ』
4. Mumi さん(@mumimumi2000) — 『マルマルガール』
3月の回のプレゼン申し込みはこちらから: https://goo.gl/forms/k40Tthj7yXzmlh0H3
Indie Collection Japan #10: Lineup announcement
Indie Collection Japan #10 our online indie game event organized by Tokyo Indies and asobu will take place on February 16th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time!
That’s already the 10th edition!! Thank you for following us!
The event is hosted entirely online, so you can join from anywhere with an internet connection. You can participate by watching our Twitch live stream or joining our Discord server.
Indie Collection Japan #10 details:
Stream of the presentations on asobu’s Twitch channel
Discord text chat
The stream will be a series of 5–10-minute presentations about games, events, post-mortems, or other various indie-game related topics. After the presentations, people can continue to chat on the Discord server, and devs will have casual demos.
We will provide dedicated voice/video channels on Discord before and after the main Twitch stream, for anyone who wants to chat with the presenters or stream their own game as a “wild demo”.
Everyone is welcome! But presenters will be largely indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan, as well as a few from overseas.
Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):
- Anne from asobu (@asobudev) — Global Game Jam 2021 at asobu
A short presentation about the games developed during the Global Game Jam at asobu in January 2021, which was held online this year.
2. David Heredia (@1564Studio) — The Mysteries of Ranko Togawa
Participating from Spain, David will introduce “The Mysteries of Ranko Togawa”, the first game of Hitogoroshi Studio. In this this visual novel in pixel art, student Ranko Togawa must solve a murder aboard a submarine train, following the style of classic sleuth adventures and locked-space whodunit novels.
3. Kenkou Land (@kenkou_land) — MAMIYA
Visual novel developper Kenkou Land, will release the english version of their latest game “MAMIYA” on Steam very soon. One year before the end of the world save your friends who are destined to die in this dark mystery game set in Tokyo.
Demo available!
4. Mumi (@mumimumi2000) — MalMal Girl
Mumi who started making games at a very young age and won various contests like Unity Inter High in 2018, is working on his new game MalMal Girl.
In this action game, the player can carry items on his back and turn around.
Depending on which object you’ll carry, the reactions will be different.
5. Hafu Hafu Oden (@ohanhan) — Wakaido Makoto’s Case files
Hafu Hafu Oden is working with 2 other people on a series of short smartphone games called “Wakaido Makoto’s Case files” that play like reading a novel. After a first iteration game in Sept. 2020, the second entry of the series just got released last December.
We look forward to seeing you in our next edition of Indie Collection Japan!
You can apply for March edition here: https://goo.gl/forms/msDrUsB3MuGDHss82