インディーコレクションJAPAN #15: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #15: Lineup announcement

5 min readJul 8, 2021


(English follows after Japanese )

インディーコレクションJAPAN #15: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #15: Lineup announcement

asobuTokyo Indiesがこのイベントを開催するのは15回目なのですが、今回もいつも通り、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けする完全オンラインでお届いたします。世界中のどこに住んでも面白いインディーゲームを発見できます!


Twitch配信: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット: https://discord.gg/asobu

インディーコレクション JAPAN #15 概要:

2021#年7月13日(火)20:00 プレゼンテーションスタート

▼Discord テキストチャット



また、Twitchの公式放送の前後はDiscordのチャットにいつでもアクセスすることができます。通常のTokyo Indies同様、ボイス/ビデオチャンネルをゲームの共有、『野良デモ』、情報交換などに自由にお使いください。




  1. Wingit Games さん- (@wingitgames001) -「拝啓、看守はじめました。」
1. Wingit Games さん- (@wingitgames001) -「拝啓、看守はじめました。」

大阪のインディーゲーム開発チームWingit GamesさんはiOSにリリースした『拝啓、看守はじめました。』とを紹介します。
舞台は国外追放された極悪の犯罪者たちが収容されている通称「監獄島〜Closed Island〜」プレイヤーの目的は脱出ではなく”脱出阻止”。新人看守として、この島から逃げ出す計画を練る囚人を突き止め脱獄を阻止せよ!iOS: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/myapp/id1483418613?l=ja&ls=1
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cocos2dx.KanHaji&hl=ja&gl=US

2. Toru Hisai さん(@seaknotstudios)- 「浮世」

2. Toru Hisai さん(@seaknotstudios)- 「浮世」

主人公はある日、それまで遊んでいた仮想世界「UKIYO」から抜け出せなくなります。町で情報を集めて謎を解き明かし、UKIYO から脱出するというストーリーの「和風サイバーパンクアドベンチャー」です。PC とコンソールでのリリースを予定しています。

3. Silver Lining StudioのWeichen Linさん (@SilverLiningWW) — 「Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜 」

3. Silver Lining StudioのWeichen Linさん (@SilverLiningWW) — 「Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜 」

台湾から参加するSilver Lining StudioのWeichen Linさんは「Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜 」を紹介します。

ジブリスタジオなどの影響受けたアニメのようなアートスタイルで、「Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜 」はインタアクティブフィクション風のゲームです。

4. じぃーまさん (@somebow_ippan) — 「スクラップフレンス」

4. じぃーまさん (@somebow_ippan) — 「スクラップフレンス」


iOS: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1558005483
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zxima.scrapfriends

5. Géraud Zucchiniさん (@DrGeraud) — 「Buissons」

5. Géraud Zucchiniさん (@DrGeraud) — 「Buissons」




9月1日に開催「asobu indie showcase 2021」の準備で忙しいので、次回のインディーズコレクションJAPANは9月中になります!
プレゼン申し込みはこちらから: https://goo.gl/forms/k40Tthj7yXzmlh0H3

Indie Collection Japan #15: Lineup announcement

インディーコレクションJAPAN #15: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #15: Lineup announcement

Indie Collection Japan #15, our online indie game event organized by asobu and Tokyo Indies will take place on July 13th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time

The event is hosted entirely online, so you can join from anywhere with an internet connection. You can participate by watching our Twitch live stream or joining our Discord server.


Indie Collection Japan #15 details:


Stream of the presentations on asobu’s Twitch channel


Discord text chat



The stream will be a series of 10-minute presentations about games, events, post-mortems, or other various indie-game related topics. After the presentations, people can continue to chat on the Discord server, and devs will have casual demos.

We will provide dedicated voice/video channels on Discord before and after the main Twitch stream, for anyone who wants to chat with the presenters or stream their own game as a “wild demo”.


Everyone is welcome! But presenters will be largely indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan, as well as a few from overseas.

Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):

1. Wingit Games — (@wingitgames001) — I Work in a Prison Now

1. Wingit Games さん- (@wingitgames001) -「拝啓、看守はじめました。」

Wingit Games, a small indie game development team from Osaka, Japan, has released a game for iOS called I Work in a Prison Now, available only in Japanese for the moment.
The game takes place on “Closed Island,” where deported criminals are being held. As a new guard, you must track down prisoners who are planning to escape from this island and stop them from escaping!
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/myapp/id1483418613?l=ja&ls=1
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cocos2dx.KanHaji&hl=ja&gl=US

2. Toru Hisai — (@seaknotstudios)- UKIYO

2. Toru Hisai さん(@seaknotstudios)- 「浮世」

Toru Hisai will introduce UKIYO, a game with unique graphics here’s currently developing. One day, our hero is suddenly stuck in the virtual world of “UKIYO”, the game he uses to play. Try to gathers informations and find the secret of the city to escape from the “Japanese Cyberpunk Adventure” of UKIYO. The game is planned to release on PC and consoles.

3. Weichen Lin from Silver Lining Studio (@SilverLiningWW) — Behind the Frame

3. Silver Lining StudioのWeichen Linさん (@SilverLiningWW) — 「Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜 」

Participating from Taiwan, Weichen Lin will talk about Behind the Frame, planned to release soon.
Behind the Frame is a vivid, interactive fiction about an aspiring artist on the cusp of finishing the final piece of her gallery submission.

Guide brush strokes and solve a variety of puzzles to help an aspiring artist complete her masterpiece amid her brusque neighbor’s gaze and his pesky cat. As her painting starts to take shape, uncover an emotional tale of chance and artistry revealed behind unrelated yet familiar moments.s gaze and his pesky cat. As her painting starts to take shape, uncover an emotional tale of chance and artistry revealed behind unrelated yet familiar moments.


4. Zxima (@somebow_ippan) — Scrap Friends

4. じぃーまさん (@somebow_ippan) — 「スクラップフレンス」

Zxima is a creator who released many games sharing a unique pixel art style, intriguing concepts, post-apocalypse setting and absurd humor.

He’ll introduce his latest game Scrap Friends, a game where two robots hold their hands and walk through an empty desert populated by strange mechanical creatures who survived Armageddon.
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1558005483
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zxima.scrapfriends

5. Géraud Zucchini (@DrGeraud) — Buissons

5. Géraud Zucchiniさん (@DrGeraud) — 「Buissons」

Géraud is a French indie dev who also a popular Youtube channel where is documenting the development of his games, analyzing gameplay of various games from AAA to indie, and much more.
This time he’ll do a post-mortem about his latest game “Buissons”.
Players take control of a bush and challenge their friends in a hide and seek game up to 4 players. Traps and obnoxious hunters are here to spice up the game.

We look forward to seeing you in our next edition of Indie Collection Japan!

As we’re busy in August preparing our big indie game showcase “asobu indie showcase”, the next edition of Indie Collection will be in September.
You can apply for September and later editions here: https://goo.gl/forms/msDrUsB3MuGDHss82




Written by asobu

asobuは渋谷にある独立系ゲームクリエイターのためのコミュニティーハブとワーキングスペース。 asobu is a community hub and working space for indie game creators in Japan. https://asobu.dev/

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