インディーコレクションJAPAN #20: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #20: Lineup announcement

4 min readMar 8, 2022


(English follows after Japanese)

インディーコレクションJAPAN #20: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #20: Lineup announcement

asobuTokyo Indiesがこのイベントを開催するのは20回目で、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けする完全オンラインでお届いたします。世界中のどこに住んでいても面白いインディーゲームを発見できます!
ツイーターに: #インコレJAPAN

Twitch配信: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット: https://discord.gg/asobu

インディーコレクション JAPAN #20 概要:

開催日時:2022年3月15日(火)20:00 プレゼンテーションスタート

また、Twitchの公式放送の前後はDiscordのチャットにいつでもアクセスすることができます。通常のTokyo Indies同様、ボイス/ビデオチャンネルをゲームの共有、『野良デモ』、情報交換などに自由にお使いください。




1. 11tさん(@11t_game ) — 『天は長く地は久し』

1. 11tさん(@11t_game ) — 『天は長く地は久し』

新人フリコン: プレイヤー人気部門特別賞
ニコニコ自作ゲームフェス: 世界観/アート部門 優秀賞、日本一ソフトウェア賞、イクシール賞

ブラウザ版とDL版: https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/25206
ブラウザ版: https://game.nicovideo.jp/atsumaru/games/gm17044

2. Kirsi Rossiさん (@Random_Potion) —『 Ignis Universia』

2. Kirsi Rossiさん (@Random_Potion) — 『 Ignis Universia』

フィンランドのスタジオRandom PotionのKirsiさんが、王道RPGやファンタジーのパロディ要素のある、かわいくてユーモアいっぱいのJRPGとビジュアルノベルのミックス『 Ignis Universia』を紹介します。
本作のSteamのURL : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1545500/Ignis_Universia_Awakening_of_the_Erudite_Empress/

3. モンブランハッチさん (@HatchMontblanc) — JETMAN

3. モンブランハッチさん (@HatchMontblanc) — JETMAN

クリエイターのモンブランハッチさんはSteamとNintendo Switchで近日発売予定のJETMANの開発秘話をします。
Steamで体験版: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1596030/JETMAN/
Nintendo Switch版(パブリッシングはGotcha Gotcha Games)のURLは近日に公開予定です。

4. Ahmin Hafidiさん (@grappingame) — GRAPPIN

4. Ahmin Hafidiさん (@grappingame) — GRAPPIN

日本在住のフランス人クリエイターAhmin Hafidiが開発した『GRAPPIN』は、「グリップ」と呼ばれる遺物を見つけ、高い雪山を登るファーストパーソンアドベンチャーゲームです。


Indie Collection Japan #20: Lineup announcement

インディーコレクションJAPAN #20: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #20: Lineup announcement

Indie Collection #20, our online indie game event organized by asobu and Tokyo Indies will take place on March 15th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time

The event is hosted entirely online, you can participate by watching our Twitch live stream or joining our Discord server.
Twitter hashtag: #インコレJAPAN

Indie Collection Japan #20 details

When: 2022, March 15th (Tue) from 20:00 Japan time

Where: Airing on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev

Format: The stream will be a series of 10-minute presentations about games, events, post-mortems, or other various indie-game-related topics. After the presentations, people can continue to chat on the Discord server or show their game demos.

Who: Everyone interested in indie games is welcome! Presenters will be indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan and overseas. We’re trying to translate the Japanese presentation into English in Twitch’s chat as much as we can.

Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):

1. 11t (@11t_game ) — Forever and ever

1. 11tさん(@11t_game ) — 『天は長く地は久し』

Japanese creator 11t, released Forever and Ever as a free game in 2021.
Forever and ever is an adventure game full of black humor set in the future where a city’s AI sisters [Momo] and [Woku] are slaughtering that unproductive human race who tried to seal them off. Now it’s time to escape the city and crush those incapable humans!
The game gained much attention from the public and also won 4 awards: Players Awards at the Newcomers Free Game Contest, Best world-building/Art Award, Nippon Ichi Software Award, and Ixill Award at Nico Nico Jisaku Game Festival.

The game is only available in Japanese for the moment:
Download and browser versions: https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/25206
Browser version: https://game.nicovideo.jp/atsumaru/games/gm17044

2. Kirsi Rossi (@Random_Potion) — Ignis Universia

2. Kirsi Rossiさん (@Random_Potion) — 『 Ignis Universia』

Kirsi from the Finnish studio Random Potion will introduce Ignis Universia, a cute and funny JRPG and Visual Novel mix that references old genre classics, with a bunch of parodic references to the usual RPG and fantasy cliches that’ll make you smile.
You can support the game through IndieGoGo here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ignis-universia-awakening-of-the-erudite-empress
Prequel is playable for free on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/694060/Ignis_Universia_Eternal_Sisters_Saga_DX
Wishlist the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1545500/Ignis_Universia_Awakening_of_the_Erudite_Empress/

3. MontblancHatch (@HatchMontblanc) — JETMAN

3. モンブランハッチさん (@HatchMontblanc) — JETMAN

2D pixel art JETMAN is one of those games easy to grab but hard to master.
The game plays only with one button that’ll make you jump into the air, but it’s to the player to calculate the right timing and strength to make a maximum of damages to the enemies.
MontblancHatch will tell us about the development of JETMAN releasing soon on Steam and Nintendo Switch.
Demo available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1596030/JETMAN/
Nintendo Switch page to come later (published by Gotcha Gotcha Games)

4. Ahmin Hafidi (@grappingame) — GRAPPIN

4. Ahmin Hafidiさん (@grappingame) — GRAPPIN

Developed by Japan-based French creator Ahmin Hafidi, GRAPPIN is a First-Person Adventure game, where you’ll have to climb high snowy mountains after finding a mysterious item called the Grip.

Aiming for the Grip shrine located on the top of the highest mountain, you will have to overcome many dangers and face the harshness of nature, from a blazing hot lava cave deep in the Mountain, to a dangerous ridge full of dangers.

The game will release very soon on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1708320/GRAPPIN/

We look forward to seeing you in our next editions of Indie Collection Japan!
You can apply here to introduce your game or project:




Written by asobu

asobuは渋谷にある独立系ゲームクリエイターのためのコミュニティーハブとワーキングスペース。 asobu is a community hub and working space for indie game creators in Japan. https://asobu.dev/

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