インディーコレクションJAPAN #7: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #7: Lineup announcement
(English follows after Japanese)
asobuとTokyo Indiesがこのイベントを開催するのは7回目なのですが、今回もいつも通り、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けする完全オンラインでお届いたあします。これまでのTokyoIndiesのオフラインのイベントに参加したくてもできなかった方…今回こそはぜひご参加ください!
Twitch配信: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット: https://discord.gg/asobu
インディーコレクション JAPAN #6 概要:
2020年11月17日(火)20:00 プレゼンテーションスタート
▼Discord テキストチャット&ボイスチャンネル(日本語/日英同時通訳チャンネル)
また、Twitchの公式放送の前後はDiscordのチャットにいつでもアクセスすることができます。通常のTokyo Indies同様、ボイス/ビデオチャンネルをゲームの共有、『野良デモ』、情報交換などに自由にお使いください。
1- こん@ネコゲームティーチャー (@nekogameteacher) — 『Super Drink Bros』
今回はUE4を使った開発中の新作『Super Drink Bros』を紹介します。
2- Thomas Altenburger さん (@FlyingOakGames) — 『Scourgebringer』
フランスのインディースタジオFlying Oak GamesのThomasさんが、Steamでリリースされたばかりの『Scourgebringer』について語ってくれます。ScourgeBringerは、テンポの速いフリームービングなローグライトプラットフォーマーです。プレイヤーは戦士のKyhraを操作して未知の世界を探索し、彼女の過去の封印を守る古代の機械を切り裂き、もしかしたら人類の救済のために彼女の道を歩むことになるかもしれません。
4- Guillermo Alaronさん (@Mictlanthegame) — 『Mictlan』
5- かせさん(@KaseliaePenguin) — 『Faye/Sleepwalker 』
4年の開発期間を経て、かせさんとチームPhantom Islandはついにゲーム『Faye/Sleepwalker』を2020年12月にSteamでリリースすることを発表しました。この3Dオープンワールドハイスピードアクションゲームの開発について、かせ氏が語ってくれます。プレイヤーはフェイを操作して、2種類のバトルモードを使い分けてクエストを進めていきます。
6- Jon/Eigotakuさん (@iamyoursgame) — 『I am Yours』
東京を拠点に活動する作家、写真家、イラストレーターのジョンさんが紹介する「I am Yours」は、ピクセルアートスタイルのテキストアドベンチャーです。老人が最後の旅に備えて、自分を今の自分にしてくれた持ち物を詰め込んでいきます。このゲームは、8ビットバーション、紙のバージョン、サンドボックス系ゲームのDreams(PS4)を使ったバージョンの3つの方法でプロトタイプを作成しています。
Indie Collection JAPAN#7 Line-up announcement
Indie Collection Japan #7 our online indie game event organized by Tokyo Indies and asobu will take place on November 17th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time! It is hosted entirely online, so you can join from anywhere with an internet connection. You can participate by watching our Twitch live stream or joining our Discord server.
Indie Collection Japan #7 details:
Stream of the presentations on asobu’s Twitch channel
Discord text chat
The stream will be a series of 5–10-minute presentations about games, events, post-mortems, or other various indie-game related topics. After the presentations, people can continue to chat on the Discord server, and devs will have casual demos.
We will provide dedicated voice/video channels on Discord before and after the main Twitch stream, for anyone who wants to chat with the presenters or stream their own game as a “wild demo”.
Everyone is welcome! But presenters will be largely indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan, as well as a few from overseas.
Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):
1- Kon@Neko Game Teacher (@nekogameteacher) — Super Drink Bros
Under the name Neko Game Teacher, Kon is a game Youtuber who’s also streaming game development on his channel. He’ll introduce us to Super Drink Bros, a 3D melee game where juice and soda cans fight each other, developed with Unreal Engine 4.
2- Thomas Altenburger (@FlyingOakGames) — Scourgebringer
Thomas from the french indie studio Flying Oak Games will tell us about Scourgebringer, which was just released on Steam. ScourgeBringer is a fast-paced free-moving roguelike platformer. The player will control the warrior Kyhra, explore the unknown and slash her way through ancient machines guarding the seal of her past, and maybe the redemption of humanity.
3 — Kazami Mikaze (@kazamimi) — Out of Frame
Veteran indie developer, Kazami Mikaze will do a presentation about his latest innovative visual novel “Out of Frame”.
The story takes place in a world where the resolution has been reduced from VGA to QVA, where players are summoned from outside the world. The player will have to use his power and continues to go through trial and error to restore the resolution.
4- Guillermo Alaron (@Mictlanthegame) — Mictlan
Mexican developer based in Tokyo, Guillermo will introduce his game Mictlan which is currently looking for funding on Kickstarter. Next year will be the 500th anniversary of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, Guillermo’s team decided to pay tribute to this historical date by creating a mythical tale taking place during the 15th century. This game will be the first in this category to be able to tell a mythical legend story about the mesoamerican culture.
6- Kase(@KaseliaePenguin) — Faye/Sleepwalker
After 4 years of development, Kase and his team Phantom Island will finally release their game Faye/Sleepwalker on Steam in December 2020. Kase will tell us about the development of this 3D open-world high-speed action game. The players will control Faye who can use 2 different battle modes to progress in her quest.
6 — Jon/Eigotaku (@iamyoursgame)— I am yours
Writer, photographer, and illustrator based in Tokyo, Jon will introduce I am Yours is an intimate, pixel art style text adventure. Preparing for possibly his last journey, an old man packs the possessions that made him who (or what) he became. The game has been prototyped using 3 methods: 8-Bit, a paper version, and a version made with the sandbox game Dreams.
We look forward to seeing you in our next edition of Indie Collection Japan!