インディーコレクションJAPAN #9: ラインナップ発表 — Indie Collection Japan #9: Lineup announcement
(English follows after Japanese)
asobuとTokyo Indiesがこのイベントを開催するのは9回目なのですが、今回もいつも通り、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けする完全オンラインでお届いたあします。これまでのTokyo Indiesのオフラインのイベントに参加したくてもできなかった方…今回こそはぜひご参加ください!
Twitch配信: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット: https://discord.gg/asobu
インディーコレクション JAPAN #9 概要:
2021#年1月19日(火)20:00 プレゼンテーションスタート
▼Discord テキストチャット
また、Twitchの公式放送の前後はDiscordのチャットにいつでもアクセスすることができます。通常のTokyo Indies同様、ボイス/ビデオチャンネルをゲームの共有、『野良デモ』、情報交換などに自由にお使いください。
1. さわえみかさん(@GameVket) — GameVket
3. 伝遊堂の山田さん(@denyudo_Inc) — 『シーフガールズカルテット』
インディースタジオ伝遊堂は、Steamで『シーフガールズカルテット』をアーリーアクセスでリリースしました。 本作は、悪の商人が隠し持っている貴重な財宝を盗むために、盗賊の少女たちがフックを使って巨大な塔に潜入するというストーリーです。1人から4人まで対応しています。
5. 田平孝太郎さん (@furoshiki_lab) — PrayerPlay Trial ver. Order of Knowledge
東京インディーズ/インコレの常連であり、多作な開発者でもある田平孝太郎さんが、新作のノーベルゲーム『PrayerPlay』のデモを公開しました。主人公は、11世紀から13世紀にかけて活躍した “知識の騎士団 “を研究しているうちに、アイルランド近郊の謎の島に招待されます。
6. 志麻ひぬこ (@wb_sheep_c) — 虹の降る海
2月の回のプレゼン申し込みはこちらから: https://goo.gl/forms/k40Tthj7yXzmlh0H3
Indie Collection Japan #9: Lineup announcement
Indie Collection Japan #9 our online indie game event organized by Tokyo Indies and asobu will take place on January 19th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time!
It is hosted entirely online, so you can join from anywhere with an internet connection. You can participate by watching our Twitch live stream or joining our Discord server.
Indie Collection Japan #9 details:
Stream of the presentations on asobu’s Twitch channel
Discord text chat
The stream will be a series of 5–10-minute presentations about games, events, post-mortems, or other various indie-game related topics. After the presentations, people can continue to chat on the Discord server, and devs will have casual demos.
We will provide dedicated voice/video channels on Discord before and after the main Twitch stream, for anyone who wants to chat with the presenters or stream their own game as a “wild demo”.
Everyone is welcome! But presenters will be largely indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan, as well as a few from overseas.
Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):
- Mika Sawae (@GameVket) — GameVket
GameVKet is an indie and dojin game event which will be held in a VR space 2021during one week between 4/29 and 5/5.
Mika Sawae will do a presentation about the event and how to submit a game.
3. Yamada from Denyudo (@denyudo_Inc) — Thief Girls Quartet
Indie studio Denyudo just release Thief Girls Quartet on Steam in Early access. This game tells the story of a group of thieving girls who steal valuable treasures that an evil merchant has hidden in a giant tower with grappling hooks. The game supports 1to 4 players.
4. Leo and Martho from Thinking Stars (@AnnoMuta) — ANNO: Mutationem
To be released very soon, ANNO: Mutationem is a 2.5D cyberpunk action adventure game mixing pixel art and 3D from China. One the game’s unique points is using 2D sprites as characters in a 3D world that is also explorable. Leo and Martho will share some challenges in creating a believable yet playable gaming world.
5. Dendaira Kotaro (@furoshiki_lab) — PrayerPlay Trial ver. Order of Knowledge
Prolific dev and Tokyo Indies/InColle regular, Dendaira Kotaro just released a demo of their new visual novel PrayerPlay.
The protagonist is researching a group called the “Knights of Knowledge” who were active between the 11th and 13th centuries, and is invited to a mysterious island near Ireland.
6. Shima Hinuko (@wb_sheep_c) — Rainbow Sea
Released for iOS and Android in January 2021, this is a Japanese-style pixel art adventure game where you interact with the Seven Lucky Gods. The game has 22 different endings depending on which of the more than 100 events you have experienced.
We look forward to seeing you in our next edition of Indie Collection Japan!
You can apply for February edition here: https://goo.gl/forms/msDrUsB3MuGDHss82