インディーコレクションJAPAN#2: ラインアップ発表 - Indie Collection Japan #2: line-up announcement
asobuとTokyo Indiesが主催、Twitchのライブ動画配信+Discordの専用チャットでお届けするインディーコレクションJAPANの第2回の開催が決定しました! このオンライン版Tokyo Indiesは5月19日20時から開催されます ! 前回と同様、完全オンライン開催なのでいつも参加したくてもできない方もぜひご参加ください!
The second installment of Indie Collection Japan, an online indie game event via Twitch live stream and dedicated Discord chat organized by Tokyo Indies and asobu, will take place on May 19th (Tue) at 20:00 Japan time! It is hosted entirely online, so you can join from anywhere with an internet connection. #インコレJAPAN
Twitch配信/Watch the stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/asobudev
Discordの専用チャット/Discord chat: https://discord.gg/asobu
Indie Collection JAPAN #2 details:
開催日時: 2020年5月19日(火)の20時からプレゼんスタート
When: May 19th (Tue) 2020, from 20:00 (JST)
- メインのプレゼンなどはasobuのTwitchチャンネル
- Discord テキストチャット
- Discord ボイスチャンネル(日本語/日英同時通訳チャンネル)
Main stream for the presentation on asobu’s Twitch channel
Discord text chat
Discord voice chat(Japanese to English translation channel)
Twitchの公式放送前後、いつでもDiscordのチャットは開いています。ボイス/ビデオチャンネル上で普段のTokyo Indies のように、誰でもが自分のゲームを共有、『野良デモ』をしたり、情報交換したり、自由に時間を過ごしていってください。
The program will consist of 5–10 minutes of presentations about current projects (games, events, post-mortem, other various indie-game related topics,…). After the presentations, people can continue to chat and exchange links/images on the Discord server.
We will provide dedicated voice/video channels on Discord before and after the main Twitch stream, for anyone who wants to chat with the presenters or stream their own game as a “wild demo”.
Everyone is welcome! But presenters will be largely indie devs or indie game-related people from all over Japan, as well as a few from overseas.
Here is the current lineup (order and number of presenters are subject to change):
1- 吉田修平さん(@yosp) とジョン・エターナルさん(@johneternal)
1- Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) and John Eternal (@johneternal) from Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
Shuhei and John from SIE will tell us a bit about their new roles to support indie games, developers and publishers in Japan and Asia at SIE, as well as their passion for indie games. They will answer developers’ questions on the subject as well.
2- ヨカゼのhako 生活 (@clrfnd)
hako 生活さんは5月14日リリースの新作『アンリアルライフ』そして『ヨカゼ』という新しいインディーゲームレーベルを紹介します。
2- hako life (@clrfnd) from Yokaze
hako life will introduce his new game “Unreal life” which just released on May 14th and Yokaze, an indie game label he created with other indie game developers.
3- GIFT10の濱田さん(@gift10industry)
GGJ2020年のきっかけで作った目の見えない方でも楽しめる音で遊ぶパーティゲーム『Audio Party Pack』のプロトタイプは発売用のゲームとして開発して紹介します。最近Steamで早期アクセスを開始しました。
3- Takashi Hamada (@gift10industry) from GIFT10
During GGJ2020, Hamada made an audio-only game prototype called “Audio Party Pack” that can also be played by visually impaired people. After a few months of work, it’s now a full-fledged game that just got early access on Steam!
4- 戸塚伎一さん (@gtozka)
4- Giichi Totsuka (@gtozka)
Totsuka, who’s a member of asobu, will introduce “Nymph Street”, a parody of various Japanese sexy PC games from the early 1980’s.
5- ジェイソン・ニューマンさん (@gojirra)
5- Jason Newman (@gojirra)
Based in Tokyo, Jason just launched a Kickstarter campaign for his game “Akurra” inspired by retro games like Sokoban, Zelda and StarTropics.
6- Kuroさん (@rpgmaker_kuro)
6- Kuro (@rpgmaker_kuro)
RPG Maker aficionado Kuro (@rpgmaker_kuro) will show his new game “Time of Mapworks”, an RPG where you gather words while travelling in a fantasy world.
See you on May 19th!
asobu website: https://asobu.dev/
Tokyo Indies website: https://www.tokyoindies.com/