第一回インディーコレクションJAPANレポート- Indie Collection Japan first edition’s report

8 min readApr 30, 2020


先週の4月22日に、Tokyo Indiesのオンライン版である『インディーコレクションJAPAN』の第一回を開催しまました。
Last week we held the first Indie Collection Japan, an online version of the monthly Tokyo Indies Meetup. Indie Collection Japan is modeled on the real-world meetup, where developers or other people involved in indie games give short presentations with plenty of time for casual chat and drinks before and after.

Tokyo Indiesのアルヴィン - Alvin from Tokyo Indies


This was our first time doing an online event like this so we weren’t sure what to expect, but we were delighted to have an audience of almost three hundred viewers. We’d like to thank everyone who attended the event and helped out with organizing it.

Demolition Robots K.K

イベントの様子はいかのTwitch のアーカイブでご覧になれます。
You can see a recording of the event on Twitch’s archives: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/598254723

『放置系ハクスラモンスターズ』- Hack’n Slash Monsters

やり方としては、Discordのボイスチャンネルにプレゼンテーションする方8人とオーガナイザーが集まり、そしてプレゼンターがは一人づつDiscord GoLiveの映像キャストオプションで自分の画面をボイスチャンネル内にシェアして、そのプレゼンしている画面をハブとなるオーガナイザーがTwitchに配信しました。

Tokyo IndiesのオーガナイザーのアルヴィンさんがこのGoLiveのビデオとボイスをTwitchで配信しました。

To talk a little bit about the technical setup, Tokyo Indies Founder Alvin ran everything using his PC as a hub. We used a private channel in Discord to gather all the presenters, and each of them used Discord’s streaming feature to share their game or screen to Alvin, who then streamed it to Twitch. This allowed us to use a single continuous Twitch stream and keep everyone on the same page. Meanwhile the audience used either the Twitch chat or a dedicated Discord channel to ask questions and comment on the presentations.

Skate Story

One of the presenters was from New York and gave their presentation in English, so we interpreted for our Japanese audience. Since we also had overseas viewers we used a Discord voice channel to provide live interpretation of the Japanese presentations into English.

『朝はどこ』/ Wanderdawn


The event lasted an hour and a half, and afterwards a few people continued to voice chat on Discord and share their game screen using GoLive.
We were pleasantly surprised to see spontaneous small wild presentations going after the main event. We’re currently thinking about a way to make them happen through a regular basis.

『やどかりサバイブ』- Yadokari Survive


Following the success of our first event, we’ll be holding a second event on May 19th from 8PM Japan time.


We’re working on improving the experience and small organizational and technical issues before the next event.
If you have any feedback about the event, please contact us on asobu’s Discord server: https://discord.gg/P5DheUC
We hope to see you next month !




Written by asobu

asobuは渋谷にある独立系ゲームクリエイターのためのコミュニティーハブとワーキングスペース。 asobu is a community hub and working space for indie game creators in Japan. https://asobu.dev/

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